Thursday, December 18, 2008


Whether we realize it or not media is the most influential and unavoidable propagator of information and ideals in our culture. While we expect most media like news or other supposedly unbiased informational sources to be pure and take a fair point of view on the issues, our news sources as well as most other forms of media entertainment are littered with bias and prejudice that is presented in such a subtle way it requires a look below the surface of our cultures most powerful tool, media. That is where we come in. We are writing this blog to open the eyes of the reader to what we believe to be a constant onslaught of subliminal intolerance, and show them exactly where this is happening and how.

Internet and television news broadcasts have been a valued source of information for decades now, and are assumed by most to be the most pure way to hear about the latest happenings. However, some news programs have unfair portrayals of minorities all over their channel. The stories they choose to cover often times revolve around a white victim and a minority suspect. 

Literature with racist connotations is one of the earliest forms of media bias propaganda, and in fact may have been the leading seed of the holocaust. This is not meant to frighten anyone or sound ominous; it is only trying to show how powerful these racist views of some media can cause vulnerable minds to go awry.

Movies, one of America’s favorite forms of entertainment, have unfair roles for minority actors to play. Movies are meant to be enjoyed mindlessly, thus while we sit back and open our minds, Hollywood pours in unjust opinions on how a minority should look or act.

And lastly, our beloved television; its sitcoms and reality tv shows are most likely the most offensive and prejudice forms of cultural entertainment. Depicting minority families in unfair or stereotypical ways, and putting minorities together and having them act like fools, then only airing the most stereotypical segments of it. These are the issues that need to be addressed and solved. I hope our blog can open you up to pay more attention to what it is your are being barraged with every night. 

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